I was in London recently for a keynote, and one night, we went to a restaurant called Bob Bob Ricard. It’s a beautiful place—velvet booths, golden accents, amazing food. But that’s not what makes it special. Bob Bob Ricard holds a very specific distinction: they pour more champagne than any other restaurant in Britain. You […]
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Hello from Austin! While I’m here gearing up for a keynote, I thought I’d dust off a fan favorite from the newsletter archives to share with you. Enjoy! Gillian Lynne was considered a problem child. She did terribly in school. She couldn’t sit still, let alone focus. She was so hyperactive that people would call […]
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From time to time, instead of my usual email with one big idea you can read in 3 minutes or less, I share with you the best of what I’m reading, watching, and exploring. Enjoy! Podcasts Telepathy Tapes. This podcast melted my brain (in the best way). A documentarian and a Harvard researcher team up […]
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