
October 2, 2024

The magic in the unexpected

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For me, one of the best parts of summer is playing water volleyball in our pool.

With my unconventional schedule, I spent most of the season hoping for lots of spontaneous water volleyball games breaking out among my circle of friends.

Unfortunately, they didn’t. My friends’ 9-to-5 work schedules clashed with my own free-spirited timing.

So there I was, feeling a bit deflated, watching my dreams sink—along with any visions of me pulling off Top Gun-style volleyball moments in the pool.

But then an unexpected teammate pounced onto the scene.

One day, when I was playing water volleyball with my wife, I noticed our dog Sputnik running circles around the pool, clearly itching to get involved.

On a whim, we decided to toss the ball his way. To my astonishment, he leapt up and volleyed it back to me with his snout.

And he kept doing it, over and over! As if he’d been training his whole dog life for this moment.

From that day forward, every time we stepped outside, Sputnik would bolt straight for the pool gate, bouncing up and down, desperate to play again.

Who needed a team of humans when a four-legged volleyball prodigy had been in my squad all along? I played volleyball with him every single day for the rest of the summer.

Here’s a short video clip of us in action. It’s guaranteed to make you smile.

This story is about more than just a happy accident. It’s a lesson in letting go of rigid expectations.

So often, when we want something, we focus on it showing up in a very specific way. We get tunnel vision, attached to a single version of reality, and we block out everything else.

We get so caught up in what should have happened that we miss out on what is happening.

Not everything you lose is a loss. The missed job opportunity might lead you to find a more fulfilling career that you hadn’t considered. The end of a relationship might create space for a deeper, more meaningful connection with another.

I certainly didn’t have a “water volleyball dog prodigy” anywhere in my summer plans. But there he was, volleying the ball back to me and reminding me that life unfolds in ways far more magical than our carefully scripted plans.

The thing you’re looking for—whether it’s a soul-stirring career, a life-defining relationship, or an always-available water volleyball partner—might just be waiting in the wings, closer than you think.

To find it, you must lift your gaze from the rigid roadmap you’ve laid out, keep yourself open to unexpected outcomes, and be ready to catch the ball when it comes your way.

After all, the best matches are those that aren’t planned—they’re the ones that surprise us, challenge us, and ultimately, delight us in ways we never anticipated.

And sometimes, they come with four paws, a wagging tail, and a boundless enthusiasm for play.

P.S. Ever wished for a teammate that’s as excited about boosting your creativity and productivity as Sputnik is about water volleyball?

If so, great news—my blockbuster course, The AI Advantage, will reopen its doors THIS Tuesday, Oct. 8th. 

In the course, you’ll learn all the secrets to unlocking the full potential of ChatGPT, remove up to 10 hours from your work week, and unleash levels of creativity and productivity you didn’t even know existed.

👉 Join the waitlist at this link to be the first to know when doors open.

(While you’re there, check out the glowing testimonials from some of the 400+ alums who’ve transformed their lives through the course).

For me, one of the best parts of summer is playing water volleyball in our pool.

With my unconventional schedule, I spent most of the season hoping for lots of spontaneous water volleyball games breaking out among my circle of friends.

Unfortunately, they didn’t. My friends’ 9-to-5 work schedules clashed with my own free-spirited timing.

So there I was, feeling a bit deflated, watching my dreams sink—along with any visions of me pulling off Top Gun-style volleyball moments in the pool.

But then an unexpected teammate pounced onto the scene.

One day, when I was playing water volleyball with my wife, I noticed our dog Sputnik running circles around the pool, clearly itching to get involved.

On a whim, we decided to toss the ball his way. To my astonishment, he leapt up and volleyed it back to me with his snout.

And he kept doing it, over and over! As if he’d been training his whole dog life for this moment.

From that day forward, every time we stepped outside, Sputnik would bolt straight for the pool gate, bouncing up and down, desperate to play again.

Who needed a team of humans when a four-legged volleyball prodigy had been in my squad all along? I played volleyball with him every single day for the rest of the summer.

Here’s a short video clip of us in action. It’s guaranteed to make you smile.

This story is about more than just a happy accident. It’s a lesson in letting go of rigid expectations.

So often, when we want something, we focus on it showing up in a very specific way. We get tunnel vision, attached to a single version of reality, and we block out everything else.

We get so caught up in what should have happened that we miss out on what is happening.

Not everything you lose is a loss. The missed job opportunity might lead you to find a more fulfilling career that you hadn’t considered. The end of a relationship might create space for a deeper, more meaningful connection with another.

I certainly didn’t have a “water volleyball dog prodigy” anywhere in my summer plans. But there he was, volleying the ball back to me and reminding me that life unfolds in ways far more magical than our carefully scripted plans.

The thing you’re looking for—whether it’s a soul-stirring career, a life-defining relationship, or an always-available water volleyball partner—might just be waiting in the wings, closer than you think.

To find it, you must lift your gaze from the rigid roadmap you’ve laid out, keep yourself open to unexpected outcomes, and be ready to catch the ball when it comes your way.

After all, the best matches are those that aren’t planned—they’re the ones that surprise us, challenge us, and ultimately, delight us in ways we never anticipated.

And sometimes, they come with four paws, a wagging tail, and a boundless enthusiasm for play.

P.S. Ever wished for a teammate that’s as excited about boosting your creativity and productivity as Sputnik is about water volleyball?

If so, great news—my blockbuster course, The AI Advantage, will reopen its doors THIS Tuesday, Oct. 8th. 

In the course, you’ll learn all the secrets to unlocking the full potential of ChatGPT, remove up to 10 hours from your work week, and unleash levels of creativity and productivity you didn’t even know existed.

👉 Join the waitlist at this link to be the first to know when doors open.

(While you’re there, check out the glowing testimonials from some of the 400+ alums who’ve transformed their lives through the course).

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