From time to time, instead of my usual email with one big idea you can read in 3 minutes or less, I share with you the best of what I’m reading, watching, and exploring. Enjoy!
Mating in Captivity by Esther Perel. In this book, Perel tackles a question at the heart of many long-term relationships: How do you keep intimacy alive when you’re more focused on who forgot to unload the dishwasher? This isn’t a one-size-fits-all, 10 easy steps to a sizzling love life kind of book. It’s an honest, eye-opening take on long-term relationships that feels like having a chat over coffee (or perhaps something stronger) with an insightful friend who happens to be a relationship therapist. Highly recommended. The PARA Method: Simplify, Organize, and Master Your Digital Life by Tiago Forte. This new book by my friend Tiago will be out on August 15th. The book shares a simple, intuitive method for managing information effectively so you can find what you need when you need it. You can pre-order a copy now to get the bonuses listed here.Films
Past Lives. (Apple TV+) My favorite film (so far) of 2023. It’s a movie about the “what ifs” in life that felt like a warm hug and a gut punch all at once. It will make you slow down and think about all the choices you’ve made that got you to where you are today. Brought to you by A24, the independent entertainment company behind Everything Everywhere All At Once and Moonlight, among many other great films.
You Hurt My Feelings. (Amazon Prime | Apple TV+) A witty, light comedy about the white lies we tell our loved ones in an effort to be “nice.” Julia Louis-Dreyfus is brilliant.
The Blackening. (Amazon Prime | Apple TV+) A hilarious horror-comedy about a group of college friends who reunite for a Juneteenth weekend getaway in a remote cabin.
Black Mirror Season 6. (Netflix) I’ve been a huge fan of this show since its first season. It’s got a brilliant way of holding up a, well, black mirror to our society and making us ponder the path we’re on. Each episode is a standalone story so you can jump in anywhere. From this season (which was a bit of a mixed bag compared to the earlier ones), “Joan is Awful” and “Loch Henry” were my two favorite episodes.
A favorite sleep aid
Mack’s Soft Silicone Earplugs. These are the best ear plugs I’ve ever tried. I pair these ear plugs with blackout shades for an amazing night of sleep. Pro tip: The plugs are unnecessarily big, so you can split one in half to use in each ear and double your investment.A gardening tool I love
Makita Battery Powered Leaf Blower. I hate the roar of gas-powered leaf blowers. They’re terrible for the environment, and for the hearing and respiration of the person using it. (More on that here). This battery-powered alternative is surprisingly powerful. It’s also much quieter, safer, and cleaner.