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Chris Kresser

Chris Kresser is the CEO of Kresser Institute, the co-director of the California Center for Functional Medicine, the creator of, and the New York Times best-selling author of The Paleo Cure. He is known for his in-depth research uncovering myths and misconceptions in modern medicine and providing natural health solutions with proven results. Chris was named one of the 100 most influential people in health and fitness by, and his blog is one of the top-ranked natural health websites in the world. He recently launched Kresser Institute, an organization dedicated to reinventing healthcare and reversing chronic disease by training healthcare practitioners in functional and evolutionary medicine.

In the interview, Chris shares with us his personal experience with chronic illness that led him to pursue his current path. We talk about how functional medicine can benefit patients by focusing on unrooting the underlying cause of a problem, as opposed to simply attacking the symptom. We then switch over to Chris’s failures and his experience with being hit with what he calls a “cosmic 2×4” that ended up being a blessing in disguise.

If you’d like to follow Chris’s work, I encourage you to sign up for his emails at, where he shares his insights on health, nutrition, productivity, overcoming technology addiction, and living a full and rewarding life.

The Contrarian Handbook
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